Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Perec's Work

1. Perec's argument in "Approaches to What?" is about inanimate objects or objects that speaks to us unexpectily and we questioning them unnoticeably. Things happen to us where we don't know that it's happening to us. We question the simplest objects that can't really talk humanely. We also do things where we don't notice ourselves doing it but later question ourselves why it happens. For example, Perec says "... we live it without thinking, as if it carried within it neither questions nor answers ... We sleep through our lives in a dreamless sleep. But where is our life? Where is our body? Where is our space?" This tells the reader how we don't think towards that. We just do it. It's the same as getting up from your bed and brushing your teeth doing all that on your own unconsciously like anesthesia. 

  • "At one time or another, almost everything passes through a sheet of paper, the page of a notebook, or of a diary, or some other chance support on which, at varying speeds and by a different technique depending on the place, time or mood, one or another of the miscellaneous elements that comprise the everydayness of life comes to be inscribed." This is a great quote because it shows how "time" and "speed" happens in writing but it just happens to us without seriously thinking. We read but we don't read the whole thing. We skim through to get to the main point of the story or the main sentences.
  • "The Page" by Perec would be a great reference to be displayed at MoMA in the "Talk to Me" section. It talks about writing and space that happens in everyone's daily life normally but psychologically confusing. "Talk to Me" tells the viewer that humans and objects can interact with each other. Writing shows how we unconsciously write write write without stopping. We write but we don't know why we are writing. We write but we don't know how it all gets on the computer without us really thinking through what we want to write. We write and use different speed and time in writing not knowing what will happen next which slows us down. 
  • For blogging, whenever you make a mistake, the internet corrects it for you. When it comes to writing on a piece of paper, you make an error but you just keep writing without noticing that error. Blogging automatically shows the world about what you wrote but on a piece of paper, only you or the people you showed it to can see that writing. To most people, typing is faster then handwriting. So most people blog on the internet but not write on a paper. 
  • I've never blogged before so I'm not sure what the concept of blogging is. But Facebook, Microsoft Words, InDesign, texting, etc. is where I do most of my writings on. I text constantly to my friends wherever I go, walk, ride, and eat. I text text text and never stop. Texting is the fastest way for me to contact people other then calling them or looking for them. Whenever I hear about some shocking news, I unconsciously start texting everyone that's important for them to know what I know. 
  • Like Facebook, it gets us going to find the facts on what's happening to our friends, families, celebrities and other interesting people's life. We unconsciously go through their Facebook page and read their status or view through their pictures without even thinking why we are doing it. We might want to know who they are dating, what they are doing, and what they now look like, but what's the real reason why we are doing all this? I believe it's because everyone in this world is just used to doing what they have been doing every single day and they know that it's their everyday life routine so with that and out of boredom, they Facebook stalk on people on their own will just to entertain themselves. 
  • Writing is happening because you are told to write especially when it comes to class, job, or anything with assigned work. When one becomes a writer, they write. They have to write in order to make money and to publish their book to the world. Students write because they have to write to get an A on their grade. To keep your job, you have to write or design to not get fired. Writing happens constantly and its something you must do in the future for a good life. 
  • To me, the role of body is equally involved in digital writing and in manual writing. In both digital and manual writing, you use your brain to think about what you want to write, you use your hand to type or handwrite your writing, you use your body to breathe and energize yourself to write a good story, you use your eyes to see what you are saying, and you use your body part of your body to sit down for comfort to write your story. 

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