Monday, December 5, 2011

Topic Proposal

Cindy Lee
English 103
Professor Frey
Topic Proposal

Mon Dec 5:  Topic Proposal.
By no later than Mon in class, you should submit digital and hard copy of your topic proposal. Your topic proposal should include your proposed site, the critical question(s) that are guiding your project, the key concepts from Corner you will use, a tentative outline or abstract, and a bibliography.  Your proposal should answer the following questions:
·       What territory/text did you choose to map/analyze?
·       What specific aspects of the everyday do you intend to map & how?
·       What 4 or more concepts from your Corner will you use and how?
·       What critical questions will you attempt to answer in your project?
·       What interrelationships do you intend to chart and what will that look like? What format will your essay/map take?
·       What kind of research will you need to do develop your map further? Will you be looking for background info on your site? E.g. history, images, literature, films, etc.

1.)  My beginning quote: “For the landscape architect and urban planner, maps are sites for the imaging and projecting of alternative worlds. Thus maps are in-between the virtual and the real” (The Agency of Mapping pg. 225). Mapping behind the mind of a child who went through a though time.
2.)  Mapping an angel named Briana Keefe. –her life (her past), feeling (her going through cancer), action (the medical part) until the end of her life.
3.)  – the visual of mapping
- hidden forces of mapping (214)
- finding the map and connections to the map (225) map isn’t a map (225)
- gathering, working, reworking, ……….. of mapping (228)
4.)  Is this the map Briana Keefe went through in her short life?
5.)  I will map my time with her with the feelings she felt while we were together listening to her feelings.
6.)  My memory of her, my recordings of her, past pictures that I took and her parents took, informations from her parents, feelings that I never thought of but she did … etc. 


  1. This looks like it has the potential to be a very emotionally impactful piece. However, from your outline I cannot glean much about who the subject is, or what you hope to communicate through the essay. I would suggest maybe creating a more "in-depth" outline before going too much farther. But like I said, this looks like it could be a very powerful piece, and I'm very interested to see where it is going.

  2. Its really cool that you're choosing to write about a person rather than a place. I think that brings more perspective into how people see mapping. However, its hard to focus on accurate details when it comes to anecdotes and such. I'm sure you'll do great and I can't wait to see how you approach this topic!
