Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Guiding questions for Neuromancer

13. What does social life look like in Chiba City? How are relationships structured? Mediated?

The social life of Chiba City isn't that great. It's pretty scary and dark. The humans create themselves with technologies on their bodies. The people talk not with friendship but with dealership. If they work together or want something from each other there's aways a catch to it. Some are tricked into something like in Case's case, he was in the Matrix and he found out just when Linda came in into the picture. "Case lowered the gun. `This is the matrix. You're Winter-mute.'" Julie Dean = Wintermute (AI artificial intelligence). This is where we readers first get to see Case's internal vision. Rue Jules Verne (fake, hologram) talks about being rich and on vacation there.

Rue Jules Verne - being rich,feels like they're rich and on vacation there. Being tan and makeup and pretty. Computer generated place. "Case went out onto their balcony and watched a trio of tanned French teenagers ride simple hang gliders a few meters above the spray, triangles of nylon in bright primary colors. One of them swung, banked, and Case caught a flash of cropped dark hair, brown breasts, white teeth in a wide smile. The air here smelled of running water and flowers. `Yeah,' he said, `lotta money.'"

14. How does history function as an aspect of the city in Neuromancer? How is this related to the centrality of technology to the city?

History functions by the use of taxis, shops, casinos, bars, drug dealers, clinics, the development of new technology.

15. How alterations of the body fictionalized in Neuromancer provide insight into the everyday world of its inhabitants? What kinds of alterations are made? How does this affect the embodied habitation of the city? How does this affect the experience of the body as a map of self?

Molly's different alteration- her classes, her claws, meat puppet (a prostitute)

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