Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Class work: Neuromancer chapter 8

How is Zion defined by the narrative in chapter 8? 
"Zion had been founded by five workers who'd refused to return, who'd turned their backs on the well and started building. They'd suffered calcium loss and art shrinkage before rotational gravity was established in the colony's central torus. Seen from the bubble of the taxi, Zion's makeshift hull reminded Case of the patchwork tenements of Istanbul, the irregular, discolored plates laserscrawled with Rastafarian symbols and the initials of welders" (99).

What aspects of the city do we learn about? Make a list of the city's geographical and ageographical features.
-Shifts from Istanbul to Paris. 
-Japan Air Lines shuttle
-Orbital Station called "Freeside" 
-Rastafarianism- making them age rapidly
-there's no gravity (Case and Molly are sent there to learn zero gravity skills without gravity)  
-"secret" bank accounts with illegal transactions
-religious place (holy land) -> Zionites -> jah (God), ganja (marijuana), dub (spindle music ... techno and drugs)
-30 years old
-organization -> founders-elders, "The two surviving founders ........" (107)

-30 years old
-holograms of shops, buildings, etc

Pay attention to the physical, culture, and organizational dimensions of the city.
Physical: Visual, How its built, How people move through it, Interactions between body, Spacial and temporal, relationships between physical object and people
Culture: Sensations- smell, Embodiment, beliefs, traditions, narratives, values, assumptions, desires, expectations, personal bios
Organizational Dimensions: laws, government, clubs, communities 

Riviera: drug addict, makes hallucination happen to people, with Armitage, recruited to be in a team with Armitage

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